Notary German Krasnov reviews
Here is a list of the main services that you can receive by contacting German Krasnov: (495) 921‒16‒35Moscow, Yauzskaya, 8 st2, 2nd floor
Here is a list of the main services that you can receive by contacting German Krasnov: (495) 921‒16‒35Moscow, Yauzskaya, 8 st2, 2nd floor
In the notary system since 2013. In June 2015, the Qualification exam was successfully passed. From that time on, she worked as a notary’s assistant and performed the duties of…
In the notary system since 1995, license for the right to perform notarial acts dated 04/03/1996. The notary participates as a speaker as a representative of the notary community in…
List of notarial actions performed by a notary:Certification of transactionsCertification of copies of documentsElectronic certification of documentsCertifying the authenticity of signatures on documentsDrawing up and registering a will with a…
Since 1991, Moscow notary Akimov Gleb Borisovich has been carrying out all types of notarial actions, including rarely encountered ones, such as providing evidence (inspecting Internet pages, e-mail), accepting deposits…
In the notary office of Igor Vladimirovich Kolganov, all types of notarial acts are performed for individuals and legal entities. The activities of a notary office are carried out in…
DeFi platform BaksDAO, which opens access to decentralized lending for cryptocurrency owners. BaksDAO is a project on the decentralized finance market. BaksDAO offers users to take crypto assets in stablecoins…
NWA Fund is a unified ecosystem for effective investments in cryptocurrencies.Closed tokenized crypto fund for investing in cryptocurrencies. Contacts:+7 (800) 700-47-74nwafund.comst. Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 8, building 1, Moscow, Russia
Do you need an urgent and profitable exchange? Cryptonet will help you with this. We are a young and actively developing service that guarantees complete confidentiality of your data and…
VIPBTC has been buying and selling cryptocurrencies for about 6 years. Our exchangers are located in Simferopol, Dubai, Moscow, Kazan, Barcelona, Kyiv, St. Petersburg. In our branches, friendly employees, a…